ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES10157f15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: The innovative technique and the technologies of gaining over agricultural material, horticultural and forest for renewable sources of energy
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Franciszek Molendowski, prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Bieniek
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: it purchases between use of innovative technique the knowledge about relationship as well as the technology to gaining over agricultural material, horticultural and forest the and obtainment the suitable quality of renewable energy. It knows the technical and technological conditioning uses of innovative solutions of technical centres to gain over for renewable sources of energy the material. The multiple optimization methods of opinion purchases with range the message and the selection of innovative technique and the technology in dependence from conditions of realization of process of logging of material., R1OŹE _W08, R1OŹE _W14 Skill: the innowacyjność of technical solutions estimates and technological the logging by use the material the multiple optimization of methods. The skill of choice purchases as well as the planning the use of innovative technique and the technology to gain over in aim the high quality of material of obtainment of optimum effects of production of renewable energy., R1OŹE _U03, R1OŹE _U11, R1OŹE _U13.

Competences: Social competences: my consciousness of validity of the additional schooling and the range of new technologies of logging of material, it estimates the dependence among applying the innovative technique and the technology in processes the logging of material and the got optimum efficiency and the quality of got energy as well as the consciousness of responsibility has it. Values for undertaken decisions the necessity of warnings of principles of hygiene and the safety of use of technical centres., R1OŹE _K02, R1OŹE _K05, R1OŹE _K06.

Prerequisites: Technical and technological solutions biogas poduction

Course content: The innovative technique and the technologies to logging of material, method of opinion of innovative, method of selection of optimum machines and the technology to logging of material, the projecting the optimum solutions of process of logging of material, opinion of efficiency of applying the innovative solutions.

Recommended literature: Of teaching throw open on carriers CD the students from utilization the technician subject matter multimedia.

Assessment methods: The opinion of effects of education in range of knowledge: The obligatory credit of practices on basis of current realizations of project works as well as written after semester 6. The minimum supply of knowledge to credit - 65%. The opinion of effects of education in range of skill: the skill of study of project logging of material and possibility of his realization. The opinion of effects of education in range of social competences: individual work and in groups, discussion on occupations on subject possible to obtainment with realization economic effects gain over material.
