ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISS20646o16
Semester: 2016/2017 winter
Name: Hydro engineering
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 28 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Daniel Garlikowski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the basic technical and environmental conditions, and has a general knowledge of hydraulic engineering constructions; knows the basic rules for the classification of hydraulic structures; understands the main objectives and functions of hydraulic structures; knows the most important parameters characterizing water structures; understand the principles of design of hydraulic structures in terms of filtration and energy dissipation of water; He has knowledge of hydro steel structures, surface water intakes and small hydropower and fish passes. Skills Student can name and describe the basic water structures; knows how to choose and determine appropriate indicators for hydraulic structures and assign them to a particular class; can make the basic characteristics (dependence) Hydraulic necessary in the design of hydraulic structures; knows how to calculate the light of dams; can check stability of selected elements of the weir; knows how to check the weir due to filtration; can perform static calculations closures dams; knows how to prepare construction drawings of hydraulic structures.

Competences: Student is aware of the impact of hydraulic structures on the environment; understands the need and is able to transmit to society the knowledge and information in the field of hydraulic engineering

Prerequisites: -

Course content: Purpose and types of hydraulic structures. Classification of hydraulic structures. Water structures and the environment. Technical conditions to be met by the construction of water facilities. Weirs. The objectives of the construction and function of the weir system. Weirs and fixed with locks. Water structures and engineering for small streams and drainage ditches. Filtration within the dams. Blur the bottom and edges of the trough below water structures. Apparatus for dissipating energy. Insurance above and below water structures. Steel construction for water. Design principles of weir closures. Surface water intake: coastal, threshold, channel, sinus, by weir and their protection from ice and rubble. Small hydropower plants. Fish ladders. Modern technologies and materials used in hydraulic engineering. Ice on rivers and reservoirs.

Recommended literature: • Adamski W. i in. Małe budownictwo wodne dla wsi. Arkady, Warszawa, 1986. • Balcerski W. Budownictwo betonowe. Tom XVII. Budowle wodne śródlądowe. Arkady, Warszawa, 1967. • Bednarczyk T. Budownictwo wodno-melioracyjne. Część 1, 2 i 3. Wyd. AR Kraków, 1985. • Czamara A., Kowalski J., Molski T. Hydrogeologia inżynierska z podstawami gruntoznawstwa. Skrypt AR we Wrocławiu nr 504, Wrocław 2005. • Czyżewski K. i inni. Zapory ziemne. Arkady, Warszawa 1973. • Depczyński W., Szamowski A. Budowle i zbiorniki wodne. Wyd. Politech. Warszawskiej 1997. • Design small dams. Washington Earth Manual: Bureau of Reclamation. 1974. • Fall R. et al. Geotechnical engineering of embankment dams. A.A. Balkema /Rotterdam/ Brookfield 1992. • Garlikowski D., Pawłowski A., Orzeszyna H., Lejcuś K. Flood embankments modernisation with use of vertical hydraulical cut-off walls field research results. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu. Wrocław 2010. • Garlikowski D., Pawłowski A., Orzeszyna H. Wybrane zagadnienia z zastosowania geosyntetyków w budownictwie wodno-melioracyjnym. Wyd. UP we Wrocławiu. Wrocław 2008. • Guide for the design of river dikes. Volume 1 – upper river area CUR, TAW 1991 (tłumaczenie na język polski: Poradnik projektowania obwałowań rzecznych – wyd. IMS Sp. z o.o. Wrocław, 1999). • Kledyński Z. Remont budowli wodnych. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2006. • Pavel P. Canal and river levees. Elsevier 1982; Wesołowski A. i inni: Geosyntetyki w konstrukcjach inżynierskich. Wydawnictwo SGGW Warszawa 2000. • Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Mioduszewskiego W. Projektowanie, modernizacja i technologia wykonania wałów przeciwpowodziowych w trudnych warunkach geotechnicznych. Wyd. IMUZ Falenty 1992. • Vischer D.C., Hager W.H. Dam hydraulics. Willey 1997. • Wiłun Z. Zarys geotechniki. WKŁ, Warszawa 2008.

Assessment methods: score of project, test, written exam
