ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: OŹES10179f15
Semester: 2015/2016 summer
Name: Waste Management
Major: Renewable Energy and Waste Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Dr inż. Jan den Boer
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: He has expertise in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, and biology necessary to understand the processes taking place at the time of obtaining energy from the products and precipitation plant and animal origin and other renewable energy sources. He has expertise in biofuels and biomass processes, including waste biomass from agricultural and animal. He has a general knowledge of systems, technologies, techniques, equipment and tools used in the production of energy from renewable sources. Skills: Can obtain information from literature, databases and other sources, is able to integrate the information, make their interpretation, as well as draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions. Can using basic technologies to acquire and process information in the field of renewable energy and waste management. Able to prepare and present a short presentation on the results of the engineering task involving the selection of the appropriate equipment or means of accomplishing the given technology. He can solve based on the standard of production, technical and operational problems in the field of waste management and renewable energy sources, taking into account the requirements for care of the environment. Can under supervision perform simple tasks, research and design in the area of waste management and renewable energy sources.

Competences: Competences: Understands the need to know the capabilities and continuous training (studies II and III degree, postgraduate courses) - raising professional competence, personal and social. Is aware of the importance, responsibility and consequences of engineering activities towards renewable energy sources and waste management in terms of responsibility for the quality of life for people and the environment.

Prerequisites: Physics, Chemistry

Course content: The theme of the course is reuse of waste considered products. Informal activities in the realm of transport to Poland and selling of used goods will be analysed. Both social, economic and environmental aspects will be considered. The development of centres and chains for reuse wils be discussed, thereby touching various aspects as the legal situation, method of collection, organisational aspects, preparation for reuse, repair and control as well as possibilities for development. The planning of reuse corners within civic amenity sites well also be discussed.

Recommended literature: 1. Qualiti-ES - The pursuit of quality in social economy. Quality manual for reuse / recycling social enterprises / Caroline Beyne, Brussels, RReuse 2. Guidance on Applying the Waste Hierarchy / UK government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), 2011 3. Concept for the implementation of re-use in line with WFD 2008 in Austria (DE) / Matthias Neitsch, Markus Spitzbart, Barbara Hammerl, Berthold Schleich, Repanet, 2010 4. Atlas Dobrych Praktyk Inkluzji Społecznej i Zawodowej / Agnieszka Czmyr-Kaczanowska, Magdalena Huszcza, Europejska Federacja Banków Etycznych i Alternatywnych (FEBEA), Warszawa, 2011 5. Zużyty sprzęt elektryczny i elektroniczny. Aspekty funkcjonowania system zagospodarowywania ZSEE w Polsce i innych krajach europejskich oraz wybrane technologie przetwarzania odpadów elektrycznych i elektronicznych / Ireneusz Baic et al., Warszawa, Instytut Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego, 2011.

Assessment methods: Assessment of education effects in terms of knowledge: credit of written exam, credit of all tutorials. Assessment of education effects in terms of skills: results analysis and interpretation of collected data. Assessment of education effects in terms of social competences: individual work, group wrok, ecological consciousness, copyrights respect, responsibility for entrusted task, conscientiousness in the preparations for task realization.
