ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: PSS20303o16
Semester: 2016/2017 summer
Name: Pedagogy of child and family
Major: (przedmioty społeczne i humanistyczne)
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 1
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: dr Milena Wawrzyniak-Kostrowicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Knows the terminology that is used in the humanities and social sciences, understands its sources and uses within related disciplines. Has an extended knowledge of the social and humanistic, and is able to indicate the relationship between the humanities and the social and agricultural sciences, forestry, veterinary and natural. Skills: Is ably looking for information, analyzes and creative use of information. Is able to analyze and interpret social phenomena. Is planning a career or academic pathway.

Competences: Understands the need for lifelong learning and updating her/his knowledge. Is able to work in a team. Is able to think and act creatively.

Prerequisites: Humanities in the high school.

Course content: Family – basic definitions. The importance of family function. Typology of marriages – collusions. Maternity and paternity. Divorce as a traumatic experience. Alternative models of family. Singles in society. Communication in the healthy and dysfunctional family. The alcoholic family – pathologies of life, the syndrome of codependency, communication disorders, the healing process - therapy, ACA. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). The child in the family: the stages of child development. The impact of family dysfunction on the functioning of the child. Specific needs of child: the child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The autistic child. Child’s selective mutism – ways of diagnosis and therapy. Revision.

Recommended literature: Arcimowicz K., Obraz mężczyzny w polskich mediach. Prawda, fałsz, stereotyp, Gdańsk 2003, GWP. Faber A., Mazlish E., How to talk so kids can learn, New York 2003, Scribner. Knapp H., Komunikacja w terapii, Warszawa 2009, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Schaffer H.R., Introducing Child Psychology, New Jersey 2003, Wiley. Sikorska M., Nowa matka, nowy ojciec, nowe dziecko. O nowym układzie sił w polskich rodzinach, Warszawa 2009, WAiP. Wallerstein J. S., Blakeslee S., Rozwód, a co z dziećmi? Jak uchronić własne dzieci przed negatywnymi skutkami rozwodu, Poznań 2005, Zysk i S-ka.

Assessment methods: Final evaluation of the lectures is a component of the scoring in the knowledge, skills and social competence. There are summed points obtained from the written test, activity, discussions, attendance and additional tasks. Knowledge shall be verified with the use of the written test. Written test includes two problem questions, to assess skills. Social competence are evaluated based on participation in class discussions and thematic attendance and performing additional tasks. Required level necessary to pass: 60%

Comment: Lectures, with elements of discussion and workshop. After completion of lectures, students can optionally take part in a study visit in care/educational facility (methodology of work with child with special needs). Maximum number of participants: 20.