ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: ROSS10057o17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Ornamental Plant Production - Basic course
Major: Horticulture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Katarzyna Wróblewska
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student gets knowledge about factors influencing quality of ornamental plants and profitability of floriculture production as well as their interactions. Understands and describes modern technologies of plant cultivation, knows the rules of vegetative and generative propagation of ornamental plants. O1_W03, O1_W04, O1_W15,O1_W17 Umiejętności: Wymienia czynniki decydujące o wzroście i rozwoju roślin ozdobnych, dobiera nowoczesne sposoby zapewniania odpowiednich warunków uprawy. Mnoży rośliny ozdobne stosując właściwe dla danego gatunku metody rozmnażania, wykorzystuje regulatory wzrostu roślin w procesie rozmnażania i w produkcji, wpływa na pokrój roślin wykorzystując regulatory wzrostu i sterowanie temperaturą. O1_U05, O1_U06, O1_U07, O1_U10

Competences: Social competences: Organizes and recommends ornamental plant production, including sustainable methods of cultivation O1_K03, O1_K06 Organizes the team and coworks in the team. O1_K05 Appreciates constant widening of knowledge. O1_K01

Prerequisites: Botany, Plant Physiology, Soil Management, Horticultural Engineering

Course content: Origin and state of production of ornamental plants, ecological requirements of ornamental plants: light, temperature, water, carbon dioxide, soil and medium, modern methods of ornamental plant production, growth regulators in ornamental plant cultivation, propagation of ornamental plants, plant shaping and induction of flowering, prolonging of vase life of cut flowers.

Recommended literature: Dole J.M., Wilkins H.F., 1999. Floriculture: principles and practices. Prentice Hall, New Jersey Hartmann H.T., Kester D.E., Davies F.T., Geneve R.L. 2002. Plant propagation: principles and practices. Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Assessment methods: Evaluation of the effects of education in terms of knowledge: writen colloquia Evaluating the effects of education in the skills: practical exercise: Evaluating the effects of education on the social competence: individual and team work, discussion
