ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS20231o17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Ecophysiology
Major: Biology
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 0
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Tomasz Kokurewicz, dr Elżbieta Sacała
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course taught in English if the group has ≥6 students. The course taught in Polish with a possibility of support in English if the group has <6 students.

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student: possess a knowledge making interpretation of biological phenomena and processes possible both in scientific study and in practice, (2) knows methodology used in the field of natural history, (3) is able to formulate the working hypotheses and to solve the basic scientific problems, (4) knows how to prepare the interesting multi-media presentation; understands the complex biological phenomena and processes and their links with the other fields of science; possess advanced knowledge of ecophysiology, plant physiology, evolutionary parasitology hydrobiology and biogeography ; knows physiological backgrounds of animal behaviors, (2) explains foraging as well as reproduction and parental care strategies, (3) understands the evolution of defence mechanisms and interactions both on intra- and inter-specific level; knows the organisation of ecological systems in organism – environment level, (2) explains the rules of functioning of ecosystems and ecological and evolutionary conditions of biodiversity, (3) explains evolutionary changes in form Skills: Students: (1) plan and perform under tutor’s supervision laboratory and field study or biological assessments, (2) make a proper decisions concerned the study techniques and is able to use them in practice, (3) properly document scientific study; use efficiently and safely the laboratory equipment and measuring tools used in biology, (2) select the proper measuring tool to measure required morphological and physiological parameters interpret and explain the results of study basing on the collected data, (2) skillfully present the results both in tables and graphs, (3) compare the results with the other data sources, (4) formulate the correct conclusions and opinions; present in medially attractive form, both in Polish and in foreign language (preferably in English), the presentation about the detailed results of his own study as well as the results of the study of other authors in the field of biology. To meet that objective is able to use properly the scientific information sources both in Polish and in foreign languages including information in electronic form, (2) critically evaluate the credibility of the information sources and is able to choose them accordingly to their value, (3) compare his own opinion with the another ones and is able to discuss using scientific biological terminology; analyze and properly interpret all relationships between the environment and the form, function and behavior of animals and plants, (2) properly define the basic environmental requirements of selected groups of animals and plants and to define the types of adaptations, (3) analyze and interpret the phylogenetic adaptations, (4) is able to show and evaluate the evolutionary trends.

Competences: Student is willing to systematic updating of the knowledge in the field of biology and related disciplines and conscious of the necessity of learning during the whole life, (2) is active in improving his skills by attending training courses and by study the scientific literature, (3) can inspire and organize the learning of the other persons; (1) is able to plan the scientific study and adjust them to the conditions, the availability of scientific equipment and the possibilities of realization of the study, simultaneously aiming the priorities, (2) is creative in solving the problems, acting in systematic and enterprising way; is creative and able to define priorities aimed to realisation of the task, taking into account the work in group; is acting accordingly to the health and safety rules applied in the biological laboratories, showing responsibility for the risk assessment connected with the used study techniques (2) cares about the creation of the safe working conditions; is open to solving the scientific problems by use of the newest technologies used in biology.

Prerequisites: none

Course content: Mechanisms of physiological adaptations, metabolism and energy budget, relationships between body mass and metabolic rate, thermal physiology of ectotherms and endotherms, torpor, hibernation and estivation, body temperature regulation in subadult and adult individuals, adaptations of endotherms to different habitats, laboratory and field methods of study metabolic rate – direct and indirect respirometry, doubly-labelled water technique (DLW). The influence of environmental factors on plant’s metabolism and growth. The role of phytohormones in plant response to environmental conditions. Adaptation and acclimatisation. Climatic changes and their influence on plants. The role of allelopathy in ecosystems.

Recommended literature: 1. Poczopko, P. 1990. Ciepło a życie: zarys termofizjologii zwierząt. PWN, Warszawa; 2. Schmidt-Nielsen, K. 2008. Fizjologia zwierząt. Adaptacja do środowiska. PWN, Warszawa; 3. Willmer, P., Stone, G., I. Johnston. 2005. Environmental Physiology of Animals. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 4. Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. 2007. Fizjologia roślin. PWN, Warszawa. 5. Larcher W. 1995. Physiological Plant Ecology. Springer, Berlin. 6. Skrabka H.1992. Roślina a środowisko. Wybrane działy z fizjologii roślin. Wydawnictwo AR Wrocław.

Assessment methods: Tutorials: spoken presentations in electronic form about selected subjects prepared in the group of three students. The current score (on the basis of oral statements) progress in knowledge and activity. The presence on the tutorials is obligatory; the student can have only one unjustified absence. In the case of justified absence, the passing of the relevant part of the material is required. The final score from the tutorials is made on the basis of the average ratings. Examination: students
