ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: VVSS00275o17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Diseases of Horses - 9th semester
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 9
ECTS points: 14
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 90 / 120 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. Urszula Pasławska
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: -explain etiologic agents of equine diseases define clinical signs of equine diseases -know the basic follow-up studies need to confirm or exclude the diagnosis -know disorder treatments horse and its possible course Practical skills: -Perform anamnesis and clinical examination in horse sickness -can provide a list of probable diseases and can propose a list of additional tests are needed to confirm or exclude the disease -Perform diagnose in horse based on clinical symptoms and results of laboratory tests -Able to offer an adequate course of treatment the disorder

Competences: The student can perform veterinary course of investigations in case of disease in the horse

Prerequisites: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, clinical diagnosis, pathophysiology, pharmacology, immunology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary epidemiology.

Course content: Selected issues of metabolism and endocrinology, internal diseases, gastrointestinal diseases with special emphasis of colic diseases, selected diseases of heart, circulatory system and blood, respiratory, nervous and urinary tract and skin diseases, infectious diseases and the methods used to collect data for research and the proceedings as a result of suspected infectious disease, the rules of procedure in intensive therapy and conservative treatment. The scope of reproductive tract physiology and endocrinology of the menstrual cycle of mares, synchronization of oestrus and ovulation, artificial insemination, physiology and pathology of pregnancy, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian and uterine pathology, obstetrics, hernia, castration, orthopedic and abdominal surgery.

Recommended literature: Internal disease: 1. Ditz O., Huskamp B.2008. Praktyka kliniczna-konie. Wyd. Galaktyka; 2. Fryc J. Rozpoznawanie i leczenie schorzeń morzyskowych koni. 1999. SI-MA Warszawa 3. Gerber H. 1994. Pferdkrankheiten. Ulmer Stuttgart; 4. Gniazdowski A. 2010. Gdy zachoruje koń. HAF- Leszno. 5. Nicpoń J, Kita J., Fogasiński A. 1997. Wybrane choroby koni. SI-MA Warszawa; 6. Polskie przepisy prawne (Ustawa, Rozporządzenie, Instrukcja) dot. omawianych jednostek chorobowych Reproduction 1. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. D.Noakes, T.Parkinson, G.England, 2001 2. Equine breeding management and artificial insemination, J.C.Samper, 2009 3. Current therapy in large animal theriogenology, R. S.Youngquist , W. R. Threlfall, 2007 4. Handbook of in vitro fertilization. A.O.Trounson, D.K.Gardner, 2009. 5. Handbook of veterinary obstetrics. P.G. Jackson, 2004. 6. Praktyka kliniczna konie. O. Dietz., B. Huskamp, 2008. 7. Kierowany rozród koni. K. Kosiniak-Kamysz, Wierzbowski S, 1998. Infectious disease 1. J. Kita: Metody zwalczania chorób Zaraźliwych zwierząt gospodarskich, PWN, Warszawa, 1987 2. Manul of Standarts for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines, OIE, Paryż, 1996 3. J. Beer: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt domowych, t. 1 i 2., PWRiL, Warszawa, 1980 4. Z. Gliński: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt i epizootiologia ogólna, Wydawnictwo AR, Lublin, 1999 5. Z. Gliński,K. Kostro : Choroby zakaźne zwierząt z zarysem epidemiologii zwierząt i zoonoz, PWRiL, Warszawa 2003 6. Z. Wachnik: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt domowych, PWRiL, Warszawa, 1983 7. K. Łosieczka: Zwalczanie zaraźliwych chorób zwierzęcych podlegających obowiązkowi zgłaszania, Wydawnictwo AR, Wrocław, 1996 8. S. Winiarczyk: Choroby zakaźne zwierząt domowych Wydawnictwo AR, Lublin, 2001 9. Z. Larski: Diagnostyka wirusologiczna chorób zwierząt, PWRiL, Warszawa, 1992 10. Z. Cygan: Choroby beztlenowcowe zwierząt, Z. Cygan, Pol-Druk Kraków 1999. Surgery 1. D.A. Wilson, J. Kramer, G.M. Constantinescu, K.R. Branson - Zabiegi chirurgiczne u koni w warunkach pozaszpitalnych – Elsevier Urban& Partner, Wrocław 2009 2. Dietz Olof, Huskamp Bernhard – Praktyka kliniczna: konie. Wydawnictwo Galaktyka.

Assessment methods: Oral exam, a minimum knowledge to pass: 75%.

Comment: The subject can be taught in English