ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IAS10338o17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Construction and Preservation of Landscape Architecture Objects (I)
Major: Landscape Architecture
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Monika Ziemiańska, mgr inż. Aleksandra Machowska
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course in English will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group. If less than 6 students sign up for the group, the course will be available in Polish with the possibility of individual support in English. Contact person: Aleksandra Machowska

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: (30 % of evaluation) 1. The student knows selected laws, regulations and norms of designing structures of various categories. 2. The student knows the procedures of the design process and the construction of landscape architecture structures. 3. The student knows the principles of vegetation inventory and possesses the knowledge about selected specific topics related to the maintenance of greenery. Skills: (50 % of evaluation) 1. The student inventories basic landscape architecture structures. 2. The student, formulating a project task, is able to refer to other fields, different than landscape architecture, and is aware of their systemic relations. 3. The student prepares the design documentation in accordance with the formal requirements and presents it in the form of drawings and descriptions.

Competences: 1. The student is aware of the complexity of the issues of landscape architecture structures. 2. The student is aware of the complexity of the issues of the natural environment and the importance of the knowledge in landscape architecture.

Prerequisites: Knowledge resulting from studying the subjects: Vegetation and Fauna; Building Engineering and Construction Materials in Landscape Architecture; Designing Landscape Architecture Structures; Biology of Plants; Law, Economics and Management; Technical Equipment for Greenery Maintenance, Geodesy

Course content: The aim of the subject Construction and Preservation Landscape Architecture Objects is to prepare the student to conduct investment in building and maintaining landscape architecture structures of different complexity. Legal, formal and practical actions connected with building and maintaining landscape architecture structures are discussed at the meetings (lectures, classes). A substantial part of the lectures is devoted to discussing the documentation of landscape architecture structures and formal procedures connected with the construction of landscape architecture structures. Technical documentation of the works, the principles of quantity survey of the works. The technology and organisation of construction works, the rights and duties of construction process participants. The rules of keeping the construction logbook, the documentation for works acceptance. Preparation for earthworks, the technology of earthworks, land modelling, demarcating slopes, embankments, excavations. Protecting trees, shrubs and soil on the construction site. Preparatory works, salvage treatments, maintenance, documentation. Recommendations for the development of green areas. Performing gardening conservation works in historic garden sites. Reconstruction and adaptation of historic sites to new functions. The course of proceedings during construction for the structures listed in the register of monuments. Plant cultivation and fertilisation techniques.

Recommended literature: Literature: (basic and supplementary) 1. Ustawa z 07.07.1994 r. prawo budowlane (Dz.U.94.89.414 z późn. zm.); Ustawa z 16.04.2004 r. o ochronie przyrody (Dz.U.04.92.880 z późn. zm.); 2. Monika Ziemiańska, Marzena Suchocka 2013, The planning and principles of tree protection in the investment process; Tree protection at the construction site. in Sustainable Development Applications Journal 2013 Nr 4 s. 67-83, s. 11-25 3. Monika Ziemiańska (Моника Земяньска), Łukasz Dworniczak (Лукаш Дворничак) Rozdział: 5. Необходимые принципы посадки придорожных деревьев и надзора за работами str. 165 – 193 (29 str.) 4. Szulc A., 2013, Zielone miasto. Zieleń przy ulicach, Agencja Promocji Zieleni, Warszawa 5. Łowicka K., 2010, Wytyczne zakładania i utrzymania zieleni przydrożnej, PROINWESTYCJA, Warszawa; Optional: 6. Jóźwiak-Jaworska K.,2012, Podstawy kosztorysowania w architekturze krajobrazu Hortpress, Warszaw; 8. Gajda M. (red) 2007, Zalecenia dotyczące realizacji terenów zieleni, Kraków; 9. Zalecenia jakościowe dla ozdobnego materiału szkółkarskiego, 2013, ZWIĄZEK SZKÓŁKARZY POLSKICH, Warszaw

Assessment methods: Receiving a credit for excercises: - elaboration of construction design (executive phase) for a given object along with detailed technical specification of taking over and execution of the works and evaluation of the project implementation; - evaluation of 3 work stages: analyses and problem studies, design solution, ability to prepare a specification of proceedings related to works execution and taking over; - before a project is elaborated, student carries out a detailed dendrological inventorying, determines trees and shrubs for cutting, prepares a request regarding cutting (including attachments), specifies conceivable cutting charges and accomplishes stand project for trees selected for preservation. Receiving a credit for lectures: written examination e.g. grade obtained at classes (50%) + grade obtained at lectures (50%)
