ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS20082f17
Semester: 2017/2018 summer
Name: Terraristics
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 20 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Elżbieta Kowalska
Language of instruction: Polish / English
The course taught in English if the group has ≥6 students. The course taught in Polish with a possibility of support in English if the group has <6 students

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: student has extensive theoretical knowledge of breeding requirements of terrestrial and amphibious animal taxa (crustaceans, myriapods, insects, arachnids, molluscs, amphibians, reptilians, mammals) which are kept in terraria and aqua-terraria; student has advanced knowledge of the designing, arranging and taking care of terraria and aqua-terraria with special attention paid to animal welfare; student knows and understands the applicable laws regarding breeding terrarium’s animals. Skills: student has the ability to design and arrangeterraria and aqua-terraria, with special attention paid to animal welfare and existing regulations and the knowledge of the principles of animal care; student defines the species membership of required invertebrate species and is able to plan systems of breeding any species.

Competences: Student understands the legal aspects of breeding animals in terrariums; student is aware of the need for specific additional education in breeding animal in terraria.

Prerequisites: -

Course content: After completing the course students will be familiar with the problems applying to breeding requirements of terrestrial and amphibious animal taxa (crustaceans, myriapods, insects, arachnids, molluscs, amphibians, reptilians, mammals), which are kept in terraria and aqua-terraria; the practical outcomes of the course include the skill of identification of particular taxa, as well as the skill of designing, maintenance and management of terraria and aqua-terraria, with special attention paid to animal welfare and existing regulations. Systematics and biology of taxa kept in terraria and aqua-terraria. Care requirements for different species. Rules and regulations concerning the keeping of wild animals as pets and for scientific purpose. Designing, maintenance and management of terraria and aqua-terraria.

Recommended literature: Zimmermann Elke (ed.).: Breeding Terrarium Animals, TFH Publications, 1986; Mattison C.: A practical guide to exotic pets. Quadrillion Media LLC, 1999; Schmitz S.: Zwierzęta w terrarium. Multico, Warszawa, 1998;

Assessment methods: Assessment of tutorials: current rating (based on the material identification), the assessment of project work. The presence at tutorials is compulsory. The student may have one unauthorized absence. Course assessment based on average grade. Subject assessment: on the basis of the positive grade of tutorialsand passing the exam. Rating of theory (lecture) - 50% Rating of tutorials - 50% Written exam (including the lectures’ and tutorials’ content); duration 45 minutes; 60% of correct answers - satisfactory, 65% - satisfactory plus, 75% - good, 85% - good plus, 95% - very good. Improving test within a period of no longer than two weeks. Completion of the course based on the average of the ratings.
