ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS20231o10
Semester: 2010/2011 winter
Name: Ecophysiology
Major: Biology
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 1
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Tomasz Kokurewicz, dr Elżbieta Sacała
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: During the course the students get knowledge of the most important physiological processes in plants and animals (metabolism, respiration, water balance, osmoregulation, reproduction) in aspect of phenotypic adaptation to environmental conditions. Students receive the information about relationships between environmental conditions (including allelophatic substances) and metabolism and plant growth, and the role of phytohormones in plant response to environmental conditions.

Competences: After passing the course students (1) have knowledge of physiological adaptation of plants and animals to environment (2) know general field and laboratory method for examination of plant’s and animal’s metabolism, (3) are able to evaluate the influence of abiotic environmental factors on main biochemical and physiological processes.

Prerequisites: Vertebrate zoology, Animal Physiology, Plant Physiology, Ecology.

Course content: Mechanisms of physiological adaptations, metabolism and energy budget, relationships between body mass and metabolic rate, thermal physiology of ectotherms and endotherms, torpor, hibernation and estivation, body temperature regulation in subadult and adult individuals, adaptations of endotherms to different habitats, laboratory and field methods of study metabolic rate – direct and indirect respirometry, doubly-labelled water technique (DLW). The influence of environmental factors on plant’s metabolism and growth. The role of phytohormones in plant response to environmental conditions. Adaptation and acclimatisation. Climatic changes and their influence on plants. The role of allelopathy in ecosystems.

Recommended literature: Schmidt-Nielsen, K. - Fizjologia zwierząt. Adaptacja do środowiska. PWN, Warszawa. 2008. Willmer, P., Stone, G., Johnston I. -Environmental Physiology of Animals. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 2005. Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. - Fizjologia roślin. PWN, Warszawa. 2007. Harbone J.B. - Ekologia biochemiczna. PWN, Warszawa.. 1997. Larcher W. - Physiological Plant Ecology. Springer, Berlin. 1995. Skrabka H. - Roślina a środowisko. Wybrane działy z fizjologii roślin. Wydawnictwo AR Wrocław. 1992.

Assessment methods: Obligatory completion of tutorials and laboratory. Final written test exam. Minimum required knowledge for passing: 60%.
