ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS10255o10
Semester: 2010/2011 summer
Name: Ergonomics and labor physiology
Major: Biology
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 1
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 10 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Mariusz Korczyński
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student must be aware that his place on the academy is a working station which characterizes of some health threats that may be caused for example of chemical, biological and physical factors. Students acquires during the course theoretical knowledge from the sphere of occupational risk estimation, treatment of chemical and biological materials, ergonomics of work on standings in laboratories as well as behavior by the animals.

Competences: The course completion will give the student knowledge, which allows to estimate the occupational risk. He will know the behavior rules conformable to the ergonomics stipulation, decreasing industrial accidents among users of chemical, biological laboratories as well as many other. He will also learn the regular treatment of the animals, what reduces the risk of diseases, complexes and accidents by the animal service.

Prerequisites: None.

Course content: The scheme man-work, physical, chemical, and biological factors on the working station, ergonomics by forming of the working station, estimation of occupational risk. Ergonomics and question of acoustic and visual signals perception. Hygiene of intellectual work, work in shifts.

Recommended literature: Nauka o pracy – bezpieczeństwo, higiena, ergonomia., Cz. 4, Czynniki fizjologiczne., Wyd. CIOP, Warszawa 2000. Bezpieczeństwo pracy i ergonomia., pod red. Danuty Koradeckiej, Wyd. CIOP Warszawa 1997. Olszewski J., Podstawy ergonomii i fizjologii pracy., Wydanie 2, Wyd. Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, Poznań 1997. Tyk E., Dobre i złe tradycje w kształtowaniu środowiska pracy i życia człowieka., Ergonomiczne kształtowanie środowiska., Red. E. Kowala, Zielona Góra, Wyd. Centrum Zastosowań Ergonomii 1998, s. 143-152.

Assessment methods: Test, knowledge basis problems and definitions.

Comment: Individual students work 25 h