ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESS10333f17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Agricultural policy (Erasmus)
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Barbara Kutkowska, dr Tomasz Berbeka
Language of instruction: Polish / English
Person responsible for Erasmus: dr Tomasz Berbeka

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student knows scale and forms of Polish agriculture support in the light of different EU states of UE; Identifies the causes of intervention in agriculture; recognizes the instruments of agriculture and rural areas support of UE; Knows the policy of rural sustainable and multifunctional agriculture and rural areas development. Skills: Student is able to qualify aims and the principles of Common Agricultural Policy, correctly use the systems of support applied in selectes EU countries. Shows the specific indicators of Polish agriculture on the background of EU member states, Correctly shows action within the programmes of agriculture and rural areas support.

Competences: Is able to fulfill and improve acquired knowledge and skills. Recommends for institutions the support of agriculture and rural areas.

Prerequisites: Economic policy

Course content: Causes and kinds of state intervention in agriculture. Instruments of agriculture support. Characteristic indicators of Polish agriculture. Aims and the principles of CAP. The evolution of CAP. Financing of CAP. European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development European Agricultural Fund of Guarantee. The system of direct payments and system reforms. Policy of rural areas development. Functions of rural areas. Public goods versus agriculture and rural areas. Scale and forms of agriculture and rural areas support after 2004. Funds directed to Rural Agriculture Development Plan. National agricultural policy. Polish agriculture and EU agriculture. Basic instruments of support. Sectoral Operational Programme. Rural Agricultural Development Plan. Changes of CAP and financing of agriculture and rural areas after 2013. Policy of rural agricultural development , sustainable and multifunctional development . Public goods versus agriculture.

Recommended literature: 1. Czyżewski A., Henisz-Matuszczak A. – Rolnictwo Unii Europejskiej i Polski. Wyd. AE w Poznaniu, Poznań 2004. 2. Puślecki Z.W., Kmieciak R. ,Walkowski M. Wspólna Polityka Rolna w warunkach wzrostu konkurencyjności UE. Wyd. Elipsa Warszawa 2011. 3. Czyżewski A. Poczta Wajda A. Polityka rolna w warunkach globalizacji PWE Warszawa 2011 4. Kożuch A., Kożuch B., Kutkowska B., - Polska polityka rolna u progu XX wieku. Wydawnictwo Nauka-Edukacja, Warszawa 2000.

Assessment methods: grade obtained at classes (50%) + grade obtained at lectures (50%)
