ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: AGS10058o17
Semester: 2017/2018 winter
Name: Fundamentals of agro-energy II
Major: (Agrobiznes)
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Szlachta
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student has theoretical knowledge of soil creation processes and practical skills to make a plan and do tillage in separate energy crops depending on soil and weather conditions. Student gets to know relations between doing individual tillage practices and soil properties and learns how to form them depending on crop requirements. Student collects information on rules of proper tillage and crop succession as well as planning crop rotations. Skills Student understands phenomena between soil factors, crop and environment. Student organizes and conduct studies in team. Student appreciates the need for self-improvement and the necessity of trainings. Student assesses and explains the impact of varying tillage on quality and quantity of yields. Student obeys rules of industrial safety during tillage. Student is responsible for equipment .

Competences: Student appreciates the need for self-improvement and the necessity of trainings in professional, personal and social competences. Student is aware of being professional during identification and making solutions in work, how to obey the rules of professional ethics and respect for the good of public, student is able to work in team.

Prerequisites: botany, chemistry, selected elements of environmental protection

Course content: The scope of the course includes issues concerning biomass resources, the acquisition and use of energy. Biomass, breakdown characteristics. Methods of energy use straw, wood. Technologies compaction of biomass. Wood pellets, production of briquettes and use. Methods combustion and co-combustion of biomass. Liquid biofuels - bioethanol and acquisition of rapeseed oil esters. Anaerobic digestion as biotechnology. Biogas production, utilization. Substrates for biogas. Characteristics and characteristic parameters of the anaerobic. Biogas municipal and industrial.

Recommended literature: Szlachta j., Dyjakon A., Luberański A. Energia z biomasy. 2013 Klimiuk E. Pawłowska M., Pokój T. 2012.Biopaliwa. Technologie dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. Podkówka W. i in. 2012. Biogaz rolniczy-odnawialne źródło energii. Teoria, praktyczne zastosowania. PWRiL. Warszawa. Lewandowski W.M. 2001. Proekologiczne źródła energii odnawialnej. WTN. Warszawa, Jędrczak A. 2008. Biologiczne przetwarzanie odpadów- Wydawnictwo PWN, Warszawa, Czysta Energia – miesięcznik, Agroekologia – miesięcznik. Biomasa – miesięcznik.

Assessment methods: grade obtained at classes (50%) + grade obtained at lectures (50%)
