ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: NTSS10152f10
Semester: 2010/2011 winter
Name: Poultry and Egg Technology
Major: Food Technology and Nutrition
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 5
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Wiesław Kopeć
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: During the course students gain the general information concerned production of poultry meat and eggs. After the course students know the technologies of poultry meat processing and are able to classify the quality and determine the composition of poultry meat and eggs.

Competences: After completing the course student is able to evaluate the quality of poultry and egg raw materials, work out the technology of typical products made from poultry meat and eggs.

Prerequisites: Processing Engineering, General Food Technology, Biochemistry

Course content: Management of poultry and egg production, poultry breeding, slaughter technology; poultry meat characteristics with focus on post-slaughter changes, chemical composition and nutrition value. Shell egg storage, chemical composition and functionality of eggs, chosen problems concerning whole egg processing.

Recommended literature: 1. Chów kur. Świerczewska E., Stępińska M., Niemiec J., SGGW-AR, Warszawa, 1999; 2. Processing of poultry. Ed. Mead G., C., Elsevier Appl. Science Publishing, 1989; 3. Mięso i przetwory drobiowe. Praca zbiorowa red. Grabowski T., Kijowski J. WNT, Warszawa 2004; 4. Jajczarstwo. Nauka, technologia, praktyka. Red. Trziszka T., Wyd. AR Wrocław, 2000.

Assessment methods: Accepted exercises, writing exam.
