ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BHS10041f11
Semester: 2011/2012 summer
Major: Animal Science
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 6
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Szulc
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: After finishing the course student should know issues about genetic improvement of cattle including: traits inheritance, performance recording systems, selection of bull mothers and fathers, valuation of cows and bulls breeding value, husbandry work in herd and population, using functional traits in cattle improvement, genetic markers in cattle improvement, organization of cattle husbandry in Poland and activity of breeder’s association, organization of husbandry consulting, husbandry documents and rules of animals registry in herd-books.

Competences: Student should know the basic terminology from the range of cattle breeding and husbandry, cattle topography, differentiate and describe cattle breeds and type purpose, design different systems for calves rearing, design different systems and technologies for heifers rearing, compile different feeding technologies of dairy cows and design detailed feeding for dairy cows during different stages of the production, what to do during the milking and parturition, evaluate animals exterior, to do some husbandry manipulations (ear clippering, pollarding).


Course content: Rules management of husbandry work in herd and population, rules of performance recording and husbandry documents, plan elements included dairy and beef cattle herd organization, technological variants in a range of nourishment, maintenance, and performance particular groups of cattle, systems of milking, feeding, watering, droppings removal, European standards in a range of maintenance and cattle performance circumstances, rules of designing cattle production technology and rules of consulting in cattle husbandry.

Recommended literature: Hodowla i użytkowanie bydła.(2005) Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Z. Litwińczuka i T. Szulca. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, Warszawa Chów i hodowla zwierząt. (2005). Praca pod redakcją T. Szulca, Wydawnictwo AR we Wrocławiu\\\\\\\\ Literatura uzupełniająca: przewodnik do ćwiczeń, normy żywienia zwierząt.

Assessment methods: Compulsatory pass practical and lecture Minimum 70% of knowledge to pass
