ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RIPS10026o11
Semester: 2011/2012 winter
Name: Social communication
Major: Production Engineering and Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 0 / 0
Lecturer: Dr hab. Krystyna Skurjat
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: To interest students with a marvel of specific character of a human being in the world of nature and with ability to create culture; to show the achievement of the two basic disciplines examining culture, anthropology and sociology of culture.

Competences: Classes on social communication are held to fulfil the need of shaping of proper relations between people. They discuss the idea of verbal and non-verbal communication.They teach the techniques of action which help efficiently to establish and maintain social bonds.


Course content: Practical use of the results of social psychology, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, theoretical sense of the notion ,,value”, values and attitude, conflict of incommensurable scales of value, polymorphism of human nature and social ideology, value norms and principles of actions, theories of a human being, conformity, reduction of discordance and rational behaviour, from conflict to meeting of cultures.

Recommended literature: D. Doliński, Techniki wpływu społecznego, Warszawa 2005. M. Tokarz, Argumentacja, perswazja, manipulacja, Gdańsk 2006. T. Witkowski, Psychomanipulacje: jak je rozpoznawać i jak sobie z nimi radzić, Wrocław 2004. B. Wojciszke, Człowiek wśród ludzi, Warszawa 2002. M. Argyle, Psychologia stosunków międzyludzkich, PWN, Warszawa 2001. E.Aronson, Człowiek - istota społeczna, PWN, Warszawa 1997. P. Zimbardo, Efekt Lucyfera, Poznań 2008

Assessment methods: Written exam, 60%
