ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RIPS10031o11
Semester: 2011/2012 summer
Name: Statistics and operation research
Major: Production Engineering and Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: Dr Andrzej Dąbrowski
Language of instruction: Polish / English

Learning outcomes: Student is capable to choice appropriate optimalization methods in the field of production management and transport. Student knows the rules of constructing algorithms of dynamic programming. Student knows how to represent the results of experiments in a data base, choose appropriate statistical methods, is able to properly interpret the data.

Competences: Ability to choice appropriate optimalization methods in the field of production management and transport. Ability to prepare, analyse and presentation of statistical data. Choosing of a statistical model, estimation of parameters and interpretation of the models.

Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis, elementary probability theory.

Course content: Johnson algorithm, PERT method, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, dynamic programming. Exploratory data analysis, parametric and nonparametric tests, linear and nonlinear regression, interpretation and presentation of results of analysis.

Recommended literature: Ignasiak E. (red.) Badania operacyjne, PWE, Warszawa 2000. Trzaskalik T., Wprowadzenie do badań operacyjnych, PWE, Warszawa 2003. Luszniewicz, A, Słaby, T. Statystyka z pakietem komputerowym, Statistica C.H. Beck. Warszawa 2001., Dąbrowski, A, i inni Statystyka – 15 godzin, Wyd AR, Wrocław, 1997, Kala, R. Statystyka dla przyrodników, Wyd AR, Poznań 2002

Assessment methods: Minimum knowledge for credit–60%; Influence on the assess – operation research– 50%, statistics – 50%, data analysis.
