ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BIS10030f11
Semester: 2011/2012 winter
Major: Bioinformatics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: hab. inż. Ryszard Polechoński, prof. nadzw.
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: During the course a student acquires general theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills enabling him to deal with biodiversity of fresh-water environments and sea. The course establishes the method of taking samples of water materials, demersal settlings, water flora and fauna. The course programme comprises of the conduction of basic analysis of physical and chemical properties of water, definition water environment which makes the relation between water organisms and their requirements straight forward. After the course completion a student realizes the necessity of water protection and biodiversity restoration in rivers, lakes and sea.

Competences: The completion the course makes it possible to work in hydrobiology laboratories as well as institutions of water environment protection, also in fishing, and it authorizes to perform basic scientific investigations in hydrobiology.

Prerequisites: Botany, zoology

Course content: The water as chemical substance - the propriety, basic methods of investigation. The methodology of hydrobiologic investigations. Investigative equipment and its use. Taking to investigations hydrobiologic samples. The rivers, lakes, ponds - characteristic. Groups of water organisms. The review of the most important representatives of water flora and the fauna. The adaptation of plants and the animals to live in water. Water organisms as bioindicators of waste-waters. Technical hydrobiology. Basis of protection of water environment.

Recommended literature: Allan J. D.: Ekologia wód płynacych. PWN Warszawa 1998 Dojlido J.R.: Chemia wód powierzchniowych. Wyd. Ekonomia i Środowisko, 1995 Falińska K.: Ekologia roślin. PWN Warszawa 1996 Kurnatowska A.: Ekologia. Jej związki z różnymi dziedzinami wiedzy. PWN, Warszawa-Łódź 1997 Krebs Ch. J.: Ekologia. Eksperymentalna analiza rozmieszczenia i liczebności. PWN Warszawa 1997 Lampert W., Sommer U.: Ekologia wód śródlądowych. PWN Warszawa 1996 Maciak F.: Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa 1996 Namieśnik J., Łukasiak J., Jamrógiewicz Z.: Pobieranie próbek środowiskowych do analizy. PWN 1995 Pawlaczyk-Szpilowa M.: Biologia i ekologia. Oficyna Wyd. Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Wrocław 1997 Podbielkowski Z., Tomaszewicz H.: Zarys hydrobotaniki. PWN Warszawa 1996 Stańczykowska A.: Ekologia naszych wód. Wyd. Szkol i Pedag. Warszawa 1997 Starmach K., Wróbel S., Pasternak K.: Hydrobiologia. Limnologia. PWN Warszawa 1978 i późniejsze Zdanowski B., Kamiński M., Martyniak A.: Funkcjonowanie i ochrona ekosystemów wodnych na obszarach chronionych. Wyd. IRS Olsztyn 1999 Zimny H.: Wybrane zagadnienia z ekologii. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 1995

Assessment methods: Completion of the laboratory training Minimum 60% of knowledge to pass
