ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IGN10226o11
Semester: 2011/2012 summer
Name: Basics of agriculture, ecology and environmental protection
Major: Geodesy and Cartography
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 20 / 10 / 0
Lecturer: dr hab. inż. Kazimierz Chmura
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: The student acquires theoretical knowledge and practical skills to retrieve, process and disseminate information on agro-natural environment (land), its protection and the agricultural facilities, farming centers, etc., it contains; at a basic scope. In particular, he acquires the ability to determine the trends in plant and animal production, its level, system. He knows the methods of agrotechnics, pratotechnics, organization of farms and farming centers, etc.

Competences: The student becomes able to apply the acquired knowledge on farming in the country (including that on geodesy of agricultural land); completion of the course qualifies for work in land administration, in designing the development of rural areas, allows self-reliant economic activity.

Prerequisites: -

Course content: State and specifics of Polish agriculture, risks and protection, perspectives of plant and animal production, Natural environment, basic notions, definitions, ecological and anthropogenic factors, favorable and unfavorable. Agricultural characteristics and requirements of crops. Fundamentals of plant production technology (collections of cultures, cultivation systems, principles of fertilization and plant protection). Natural basics of crop rotation and designing crop rotation. Pasture-meadow management (plants, utilization). Basics of animal production (zootechnical concepts and standards, taxonomy, organization of animal production). Connections between animal and plant production (feeding systems, fodder preservation). Systems of agricultural production (ecological and other).

Recommended literature: Chmura K., Rojek S. 2005. Podstawy rolnictwa. Wyd.AR Wrocław;
Chmura K., Dzieżyc J., Rojek S., Trybała M. 1999. Podstawy produkcji rolniczej. Wyd.AR Wrocław;
Kuczewski J., Waszkiewicz C. 1994. Mechanizacja Rolnictwa, T.II.Maszyny i urządzenia do produkcji roślinnej i zwierzęcej. Wyd.SGGW, Warszawa;
Mikołajczak Z. 1974. Kwaterowe użytkowanie pastwiska. PWRiL Warszawa;
Nowak L. 1997. Rolnictwo, działy wybrane. Wrocław;
Jasińska Z., Kotecki A. (Praca zbiorowa) 1999. Szczegółowa uprawa roślin. Wyd.AR Wroc.;
Falkowski M. (Praca zbiorowa) 1983. Łąkarstwo i gospodarka łąkowa. PWRiL Warszawa;
Praca zbiorowa 1983. Nowoczesny chów zwierząt. PWRiL Warszawa;
Praca zbiorowa 1982. Nowoczesna uprawa roślin. PWRiL Warszawa;
Niewiadomski W. (Praca zbiorowa) 1983. Podstawy agrotechniki. PWRiL Warszawa;
Praca zbiorowa 1989. Produkcja roślinna. PWRiL Warszawa;
Herse J. (Praca zbiorowa) 1982. Szczegółowa uprawa roślin. PWN Warszawa;
Prończuk J. 1983. Rolnicza ekologia roślin. PWRiL Warszawa; Czasopisma: Agro Serwis, Nowe Rolnictwo, Top Agrar Polska.

Assessment methods: obligatory credits from laboratory classes, exam after the semester
