ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IPS10067f12
Semester: 2012/2013 summer
Name: The economic consequences of approving a spatial development plan
Major: Land Management
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 8
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 45 / 45 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Maria Hełdak, dr inż. Izabela Kurtyka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Knowledge: has clear theoretical knowledge in the sphere of predicting the financial consequences of approving the project of a local spatial management plan, as well as the economic consequences of the development of agritourism in rural areas, has detailed knowledge in the sphere of performing a practical compensation assessment for the seizure of public communication areas, compensation for lowering the value of real estate, estimating funds required for the realisation of a technical infrastructure network and road construction, estimating real estate taxes, including taxes for land, buildings and structures, estimating planning fees and betterment levies, knows the basic methods, techniques and tools used for estimating income and expenses for the realisation of local plan guidelines, has the basic knowledge necessary to understand the economic and legal non-technical determinants of engineering activity in the sphere of spatial planning; Abilities: can acquire information from literature and websites, regarding real estate market behaviour, the costs of adapting technical infrastructure utilities; can interpret the information; knows how to provide an oral presentation regarding the detailed aspects of realised projects; can also evaluate approximate economic consequences of approving a local plan by indicating the potential amount of the planning fee; completing the course allows for verifying prognoses of the financial consequences of approving or changing a local plan project, allows for a properly documented study of the problems related to the potential amount of costs for the realisation of technical infrastructure utilities as part of a commune's own tasks, and for the indicating of the potential benefits resulting from its approving; after completing the course, the student can use simple experimental and analytical methods in evaluating the financial effects of realising a local plan; the student should know the functions and meaning of rural tourism, the possibilities of acquiring revenue from tourist activity and the possibility of acquiring funds from the European Union for investments related to tourism;

Competences: Social competence (attitudes): is aware of the importance and understands the non-technical aspects and consequences of decisions regarding the distribution of functions in space, including the influence on the environment and safety, and the responsibility they involve; can cooperate and work as part of a team, accepting various roles; properly identifies and solves dilemmas related to real estate management and spatial development; is aware of the social role of a technical university graduate; especially understands the need to formulate and share knowledge related to the economic consequences of approving a plan with society.

Prerequisites: none

Course content: The legal consequences of approving a local plan. The role of financial consequence prognoses in the process of establishing a local plan. The contents of a financial consequence prognosis. The planning fee. Lowering the value of real estate as a result of approving a local plan. Real estate taxes and fees: income from real estate tax. Predicting revenue from the “planning fee,” the betterment levy from division or adapting technical infrastructure utilities, revenues from selling commune-owned real estate. Methods for prognoses. The processes and principles of conducting a prognosis. The financial expenditures of a commune resulting from the approval of a local plan: compensation costs, adapting technical infrastructure utilities as part of the commune's own tasks, building commune roads. Real estate market analysis for the needs of spatial management. The role of tourism in stimulating economic growth and development. Tourism and national income. The current tendencies and trends in the tourist market. The functions and types of tourism. The function of rural areas. The valorisation of rural recreational space. Rural area infrastructure. Classification and features. Entrepreneurship in the countryside. Sources of financing for investments in tourism and recreation in rural areas.

Recommended literature: Czekiel – Świtalska E. Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego a skutki ekonomiczne jego uchwalenia, Szczecin 2005; Cymerman R., Cymerman J., Kotlewski L. Opłaty od nieruchomości źródłem dochodu gminy. III Konferencja Naukowo – Techniczna PSRWN z cyklu „Aktualne problemy w teorii i praktyce wyceny nieruchomości” na temat „Gospodarowanie nieruchomościami jako źródło dochodów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w świetle nowych uregulowań prawnych, Gdańsk 2003; Cymerman R., Bajerowski T., Kryszk H. Prognoza skutków finansowych uchwalenia miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Wydawca EDUKATERRA, Sp. z o. o., Olsztyn 2008.

Assessment methods: tutorial reports, knowledge tests, project, written examination.
