ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESN10077f12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Rural cooperative
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 7
ECTS points: 0
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 6 / 6 / 0
Lecturer: dr inż. Danuta Gonet
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: The student is able to discuss, differently than in the EU countries, the determinants of development of Polish rural areas and agriculture. He can explain the economic importance of farmers teamwork. He gets to know, as a future manager, the specification and the management system of the cooperative enterprise, the current trends in the development of the cooperative enterprise, as well as the modern sources of financing.

Competences: The student is able to manage a cooperative company as well as carry out the accounting of his farm.

Prerequisites: Micro- and macroeconomics, law

Course content: Special features of the agricultural production. Group as a firm - planning and organization. Role of manager in producers group. Institutions supporting the organization of the producers’ groups. The role of producers’ and marketing groups in creating and realizing the agricultural policy. Producers’ groups in the EU countries. Characteristic of collective farms in Poland.

Recommended literature: Recommended reading: 1) Brodziński M.M.: Spółdzielczość obsługująca wieś i rolnictwo w okresie przekształceń ustrojowych. Warszawa 2005. 2) Brzozowski B.: Podstawy gospodarki spółdzielczej. Wybrane zagadnienia. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Rolniczego, Kraków 2008

Assessment methods: Successful completion; minimum acquisition of the knowledge - 60%
