ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: BBS20238o12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Evolutionary Parasitology
Major: Biology
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 3
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: dr Marcin Popiołek
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: During the course students will be familiarized with the origin of parasitology, adaptation to parasites’ mode of life; morphological, physiological and immunological formation of the parasite-host system; the peculiarity of parasites and their survival strategies.

Competences: Students who will complete the course will be able to understand the relationship between the coexistence of parasites and hosts, find out mechanisms of survival of parasites and their role in the course of evolution.

Prerequisites: zoologia bezkręgowców, zoologia kręgowców

Course content: parasite-host system, co evolution of parasites and hosts, survival strategies, co-speciation, selections, peculiarity and transimssion, Red Queen hipothesis, parasitology vs. mutualism, parasitology and gender differences.

Recommended literature: Combes C. 1999. Ekologia i ewolucja pasożytnictwa. Długotrwałe wzajemne oddziaływania. PWN, Warszawa. Michajłow W. 1983. Zarys parazytologii ewolucyjnej. PWN, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Completion of laboratory training after semester, test exam after semester; minimum 60% of knowledge to pass.
