ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: RESN10143o12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Major: Economics
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 3
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 8 / 8 / 0
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bożena Tańska-Hus, dr Anna Kapała, dr Kamila Kwaśnicka
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: KNOWLEDGE: Possesses a basic knowledge of entrepreneurs, principles and determinants of undertaking, conducting and closure of business activity in different market conditions. SKILLS: Possesses ability to conduct an own business activity. Possesses ability to use the achieved knowledge to settle dilemmas arising in business activity.

Competences: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL COMPETENCES: Understands the need of constant personal development, improving self knowledge and abilities required to conduct business activity.

Prerequisites: Law basis.

Course content: Business activity law sources, undertaking and conducting business activity, the entrepreneur notion and its identifications, registers and evidence of business activity, legal limitations in undertaking activity, competition, commercial contracts forms.

Recommended literature: Kodeks cywilny. 2006, C.H. Beck, Warszawa. Kodeks spółek handlowych. 2006, C.H. Beck. Warszawa. Kruczalak K. 2008. Prawo handlowe. Zarys wykładu, Lexis Nexis, Warszawa. Mróz T., Stec M. Prawo gospodarcze prywatne. C.H. Beck, Warszawa. Olszewski J. 2007. Prawo gospodarcze. Kompendium, C.H.Beck, Warszawa.

Assessment methods: Knowledge: written exam. Skills: Assessment of practical skills of preparing applications for registration in business activity evidence, assessment of oral presentation regarding principles of undertaking and conducting business activity. Social competences: Assessment of individual work and in a group, discussion, assessment of correctness of regulations interpretation regarding business activity.
