ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IWS10095o12
Semester: 2012/2013 summer
Name: Engineering and water management
Major: Water Engineering and Managment
Study Type: first cycle
Course type: compulsory
Study Semester: 4
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 30 / 30 / 0
Lecturer: prof dr. hab. inż. Leszek Pływaczyk
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Know the causes and symptoms of faulty water relations in the soil, knows the basic structures used in water and drainage water in drainage work, knows the factors affecting the performance and strengthening of drainage ditches, no knowledge of the impact of hydraulic structures on the environment. Can use some computer programs supporting the design of water supply and drainage facilities, is able to analyze the needs of the location of engineering in the regulation of water relations in terms of area.

Competences: He could work on specific task, is aware of the impact of water-drainage structures on the environment.

Prerequisites: Physics and chemistry of soils, hydrology, meteorology and climatology.

Course content: Purpose and principles for the regulation of sewage drainage, causes and symptoms of faulty air-water relations in the soil, small water reservoirs and sources of supply, pond construction elements, water intakes for drainage facilities, the distribution and extent of land reclamation, the typical water-drainage structures, design principles ditches running water continuously and periodically, ways of regulating water relations on arable land and grassland, the rules regulating water relations in the areas adjacent to the dams, the types of defenses drainage ditches and streams.

Recommended literature: 1. P. Prochal: Podstawy melioracji rolnych t. I i II, PWRiL W-wa 1986. 2. Ostromęcki J.: Podstawy melioracji nawadniających, PWN, W-wa 1973. 3. Kaczmarczyk S., Nowak L.(red) Nawadnianie roślin (praca zbiorowa) PWRiL, Poznań 2006. 4.Drupka S.: Deszczownie i deszczowanie, wyd. II, PWRiL, W-wa 1980. 5. Drabiński A., Pływaczyk L., Rojek W.: Przewodnik do ćwiczeń z melioracji rolnych, cz. II Nawodnienia podsiąkowe, Skrypt AR we Wrocławiu Nr 268, 1979. 6. Szymański J., Drabiński A.: Przewodnik do ćwiczeń z melioracji rolnych , cz. IV Budownictwo stawowe, Skrypt AR we Wrocławiu 7. Sokołowski J., Żbikowski A.: Odwodnienia budowlane i osiedlowe, Wyd. SGGW, W-wa 1993. 8. Król Cz.: Budownictwo rybackie , PWRiL, W-wa 1986. 9. Wołoszyn i inni : Regulacja rzek i potoków, Wyd. II zmienione, Ar we Wrocławiu 1994. 10. Wytyczne drenowania gruntów ornych. Wyd. IMUZ, mat. Instruktażowe 65, Falenty 1988. 11. Inżynieria ekologiczna w budownictwie wodnym i ziemnym, Wyd. Arkady, W-wa 1999.

Assessment methods: Pass 2 projects, written exam.
