ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: VVSS00154f12
Semester: 2012/2013 winter
Name: Functional bases of endocrinology
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Study Type: one cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 5
ECTS points: 2
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 15 / 15 / 0
Lecturer: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof RomaƄski
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: Student has most actual and broader knowledge about new hormones, cellular mechanisms of their action, practical aspects related to these topics, modern methods of hormone determination, and situations at the border of physiology and pathology, in which hormonal disturbances can growth. Furthermore, student has the knowledge regarding the accurate hormonal tests and hormonal preparations used in veterinary medicine.

Competences: Student has the greater knowledge about some endocrinological aspects before studying of preclinical and clinical subjects during which pathological aspects of endocrinology will be discussed. Thus, student will be prepared better for these subjects.

Prerequisites: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Animal Histology, Animal Physiology

Course content: Mechanisms of hormonal actions, new hormones, methodology of hormone determination, molecular biology in endocrinology, principles of hormonal disturbances, functional hormonal tests, hormonal preparations.

Recommended literature: Literature: 1. Ed.: L. R. Johnson. Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2006. 2. Eds.: A. Rijberk, H. S. Kooistra. Clinical Endocrinology of Dogs and Cats. Schluetersche, Hannover 2010. 3. L. Sherwood, H. Klanderf, P. H. Yancey. Animal Physiology. From Genes to Organisms. Thomson, Belmont 2005.

Assessment methods: Written test
