ECTS Course Catalogue

Course details
Course code: IISN20468f12
Semester: 2012/2013 summer
Name: Hydrotechnical objects maintenance
Major: Environmental Engineering
Study Type: second cycle
Course type: optional
Study Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours (Lectures / Tutorials / Other): 18 / 18 / 0
Lecturer: prof dr hab. inż. Stanisław Czaban
Language of instruction: Polish

Learning outcomes: During the course a knowledge and practical skills are gained permitting of student to rationally prognosis and execution in province governance and regulation of hydro technical objects. Know parts of reliability theory of maintenance objects and technical and maintenance dependence rendered secular maintenance and durability of buildings. Know kinds of hydrotechnical structures their designation, as well as classis of buildings. Know the standard of rule determined principles of their maintenance. Know sorts and signification of technical specifications and also the organization systems of buildings disposition. Monitoring and condition rapiers of objects.

Competences: Know methods of realization of maintenance for different buildings classis. Prognosis the errors effects on examples of famous catastrophes. Know meaning and usefulness of particular kinds of technical specifications. Know kinds of systems of equipments for different building monitoring, and base on them to carry interpretation of structure of damages. Execute the maintenance instruction and condition rating of objects. Know maintenance conditions of objects in which repairing realization is possible in different cases i.e. in normal maintenance, as well as in damage condition.


Course content: Elements of phraseology with elements of rationally and economic hydrotechnical objects government. Theory of reliability and their used. The standard of rule, acts and also the organization system of structures ordinance, and water framework directive, determined principles of maintenance in Poland and other European Union countries. Types of classification of buildings and maintenance of requirements for particular types objects. The reasons of catastrophes and damages of structures - examples. Monitoring of hydrotechnical objects, and manner survey. Design, maintenance of instruction and rating of objects, approval water - law experts, opinions. Maintenance during repairing in normal conditions and in winter.

Recommended literature: Czyżewski K., Wolski W., Wójcicki S., Żbikowski A., 1973: Zapory ziemne, Warszawa, Arkady.
Fell R., Mac Gregor P., Stapeldson D., 1992: Geotechnical Engineering Dams Embankment, Balkema, Rotterdam.
FiedlerK. , Hrabowski W., 1980: „Bezpieczeństwo budowli wodnych” Warszawa.
Jansen R., 1979: Dams and public safety, U.S Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
Kledyński Z., 2006: Remonty budowli wodnych, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej. Warszawa.
Rozporządzenie Ministra Ochrony Środowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Leśnictwa z dnia 20.IV.2007 r. w sprawie warunków jakim powinny odpowiadać obiekty budowlane gospodarki wodnej i ich usytuowanie.
Ustawa Prawo Wodne

Assessment methods: Completion of laboratory training after the semester, oral exam after semester 2; minimum 70% of knowledge to pass.
